Just another conspiracy theory?

The year was 1935.  They came to FDR in the middle of the night.  What they were to present to him was far too controversial for the light of day.  Many times the real power brokers would bypass the sitting president but for this to work they needed the top man to agree with the plan.

Raising taxes has never been a popular thing to do, but these men wanted more money in the government coffers so that they could enrich themselves.  So they devised a plan that would appear to be in the best interest of the populace but in fact, would be another tax in disguise.   They called it Social Security.  The premise was that a person would pay into a fund for all their working years and then when they reached a certain age they could begin to draw benefits to supplement whatever retirement funds they had set aside.  The trick was to collect the money but not have to pay much of it back out.  Otherwise, there wouldn’t be enough for the rich and powerful to steal.  In 1935 the average life span of an American male was 56 years.  So they figured if they set the age for starting to draw slightly higher than that they would have billions of dollars in their own pockets without having to give much of it back to the people that thought they were paying into a retirement fund.

And that worked fairly well for quite some time.  However, over time advancements in medicine began to slowly inch the life span up.  In 1960 the average life span rose for the first time to over the retirement age of 65 but only by one year.  So for 30 years the government collected a huge sum in hidden taxes and did not need to spend a whole lot of the money.  But by 2016 the average life span had been increased to 78 years and what they called Social Security was in dire straights.  Even if it had been legitimate and the money collected had been put into a separate account to draw interest it would have begun to run out of money.  But, no such account was ever set up.  And so no interest was ever earned on the billions of dollars in additional tax revenue that was collected.  Something had to be done to rectify the problem but what solution could be found that would not enrage the public.  Once you have given someone something you cannot just simply take it away without the recipients rebelling.  So the only answer would be to bring the life span back down to an acceptable level.

So a plan was devised to begin killing off the older population.  People high in the government devised a plan to get the Communists in China to develop a disease that would attack primarily the old and infirm.  The vice president sent his son to that far away land with a secret formula that if released into the general population would begin to eliminate a problem that most countries now had.  That problem was too many retired people and not enough workers.  It had to be assumed that the disease was not formulated in the United States.  If the populace of the United States realized that their own government was planning mass genocide, there could very well be another revolution perhaps larger than the one that occurred in 1861.

So miraculously a deadly virus was developed in China and released into the general population there.  Now all they had to do was wait until people traveling back and forth between countries spread it to the rest of the world.  But that was not fast enough for the greedy money grabbers.  So as soon as a few cases began showing up in this country they deliberately infected people in nursing homes.  And it worked like a charm.  Tens of thousands of old and infirm people died within months.  The problem was almost solved.  But then many older people became wise and started to stay home where they would not be exposed to the virus.  If that was allowed to continue the plan would be foiled.  So they needed a foolproof plan to infect more of the populace. 

What about telling the people that they had devised a vaccine that would keep them from getting the disease.  Once they took the vaccine they would feel safe and would again resume their normal lives and the disease could again take hold and ravage more of the older population.  Of course to make that work the vaccine could not be effective.  But a strange thing happened.  The American people had lost faith in the corrupt government that had been illegally installed in the year 2020 and many of them refuse to take the phony vaccine.

So huge ad campaigns were started urging the people to become vaccinated.  When that didn’t work some states offered incentives to their population to become vaccinated.  And even wasn’t well enough received so then they started threatening the population.  If you didn’t get the shot you would not be allowed to enter certain places.  Children would not be allowed into schools unless they could prove they had allowed the worthless needle to be pushed into their arms.  Soon nobody would be allowed to fly unless they could prove that they had succumbed to the hysteria.

How long will it be before grocery stores and other places that sell goods and services to the population would begin to demand proof of vaccination before you could enter their establishments?  And once that happens and people have no other choice but to knuckle under to the pressure, a slight change in the vaccine could be engineered so that live virus would be injected into specific demographics.

Evil will undoubtedly will out but imagine how much faster they would have succeeded if not for one very good man.  The President of the United States, Donal Trump.  But they had that covered as well.  They stole the election from him in 2020 and put into place their own puppets.  I fear that the evil people have won again.

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