Why it is Different This Time

Throughout our history we have had some very bad people occupy the highest office in the land. If the truth be told the vast majority of our Presidents were unqualified at best and evil at worst. Many of them reached that office because they were military men. In fact, 29 of them served in some capacity. But a few of those 29 were elected simply because of their military record and nothing else. Some examples that may come to mind were George Washington, Andrew Jackson, U S Grant and Teddy Roosevelt.

Andrew Jackson was as evil as a man could become, squashing his political opponents if they so much as publically disagreed with his positions. His forced relocation of the American Indians in the Southeastern United States led to the deaths of thousands. Grant was equally as bad. He was responsible for the killing of millions of Bison just so that he could starve the Indian tribes and drive them off of their land so that he could sell the tracts to those willing to pay for them.

Perhaps the most evil man that ever occupied the highest office was Andrew Johnson. He attained office because President Lincoln wanted to rebuild the South instead of giving the land to political cronies. To get rid of Honest Abe, he was assassinated and Johnson became President.

Something similar happened to John F. Kennedy. When it became known that he wanted to end our foolish engagement in Southeast Asia, his political opponents had him killed so that their arms dealing friends could get rich off that war.

Those are just a few examples of very bad people that have been placed into the highest office in the land. You notice that I did not say served because most Presidents did not serve the people, they only served themselves and the friends. I also did not say elected, because that term would assume that the people had some say in what took place when in fact the political machine has selected almost every one of those that became President.

The one exception to that rule was Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton was the chosen one of those that work behind the scenes to make sure that only certain people have any chance of becoming President. But something unique happened in the election of 2016 and that was that the people finally stepped up and elected someone of their own choosing. Now, you can argue whether that was a good or a bad choice but it was our choice instead of the rich and powerful that desperately do not want to give up on their positions of power.

There was no way that he could have lost the election of 2020 unless something drastic took place. And killing off a few million people was a small price to pay to make sure that never again would an outsider become President of the United States.

Through all the bad Presidents that we have had, and I challenge anyone to give me a list of 10 or more that were even remotely qualified for the position, one thing saved us from what our Country faces today.

Our founding fathers set up a government where there was supposed to be a balance of power. No one branch of government was to be able to rule without the consent of the other three branches. And it worked far longer than they expected that it would. Some of them thought that we would need a revolution every few decades to keep our freedom alive.

And with the exception of the Civil War, we have not had to resort to armed insurrection because the principle of a separation of power had worked. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when things began to change. I know that it is fairly recent. For most of our history the political parties did not vote as a block and the Supreme Court mostly did not vote along party lines, but that has changed.

Now the political parties vote as a block. One important issues the Democrats will vote together and the Republicans will do the same although not as strictly perhaps.

Our only hope of having a divided government which is necessary to keep our freedoms in tact was to have the Senate remain in Republican hands but that has now gone down the drain. And if Biden does what I believe he will do, pack the Supreme Court none of our freedoms will be safe.

And we have no hope that the Democrats will ever relinquish the power that they gained from the fraudulent election of 2020. They have learned how to cheat the system and they will use that knowledge to make sure that they never again lose their liberal leaning agenda.

At some point either the people will rise up again or the Country will have to declare bankruptcy and the rest of the World will take over our government. Until then the anti baby, anti gun, anti religion policies of the left will go unchecked.

The old prayer, God Bless the United States of American has never been so important. The only problem is God does not bless secular nations. As his son once said, “My Kingdom is no part of this world”. At some point God will have enough of human corruption and put an end to all worldly governments. Until that time comes, I fear that we are lost.

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