Trump versus Obama

Obama’s signature accomplishment. Obamacare.  Required all Americans to signup and pay.  Did not allow for lessor Policies like Major Medical insurance. Young healthy Americans had to pay for coverage they did not need.

Trump repealed the Individual Mandate, allowing people to choose the coverage that fit their needs.

Obama promised to move the United States Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.  Failed to follow through.

Trump promised to move the United States Embassy to Jerusalem.  Followed through on his promise.

Obama signed the Paris Climate Accord which called for the United States to drastically reduce carbon emissions while allowing the world’s worst polluters to continue unchecked.

Trump removed us from that unfair agreement.

Obama signed the Iran nuclear deal which removed sanctions without requiring  surprise inspections, thus allowing Iran to obtain a nuclear bomb within A short time.  And to ensure that they were able to do this Obama gave Iran suitcases full of cash.

Trump removed us from this asinine agreement and returned heavy sanctions so that Iran would not be able to create a nuclear weapon.

Obama told the American people to forget about manufacturing jobs.  In fact, he said that you would have to have a magic wand iin order to bring those jobs back to the United States.

Trump pulled out his magic wand, eliminated asinine regulations, and brought thousands of manufacturing jobs back to the United States.

Obama continued to tout alternate energy sources like wind and solar which proved to be too expensive to be realistic.

Trump removed barriers to the exploration of oil and  Natual Gas making the United States energy independent and creating the greatest economy the world had ever seen.

 Obama did nothing to curtail ISIS and called them the JV team.  This allowed ISIS to gain a caliphate in Syria and Iraq.

Trump destroyed ISIS and its caliphate.  ISIS is no longer a team of any kind.

Obama did nothing to create peace In the Middle East. 

Trump helped to create a peace agreement between Israel and two Arab nations.

The list goes on and on.  And remember if you like the do-nothing accomplishments of the Obama administration, you can have them back by voting for Biden.

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