Three things I will never buy again.

Number One: PowerCooker from Wal-Mart. While this machine works pretty much as advertised, it becomes worthless within a short period of time due to the inner pot being Teflon coated. After just a few uses, the Teflon begins to chip off and ends up in any food that you are cooking. Since Teflon has been associated with health concerns, I doubt that you would want to eat anything cooked in that pot.
I contacted the company and asked if I could purchase a non-coated stainless steel pot for the unit and was told no. The coated pot was the only thing made for that cooker. If this could be rectified, I would recommend the product but as it is I would give it zero stars.
Number Two: Eggletts. When you watch the commercial you are bound to be super impressed. Instead of boiling eggs and hoping that you will be able to peel them without losing half the egg, you just crack the egg into the neoprene mold, screw on the top and drop them in a pan of boiling water. And within a few minutes, you have a perfectly hardboiled egg without the fuss of peeling.
What they don’t show is that the egglettes do not stay upright while cooking. They tip over on their sides and water enters the egglette through a small hole in the top ruining the egg. So instead of losing part of the egg when you are peeling it, you lose the entire egg. Not even worth half a star.
Number Three: Yoshi copper grill and bake sheets. I don’t know how they would work to bake on but for grilling they are terrible. I first tried cooking barbeque chicken on them and ruined one side as no matter how hard you scrub you will never get them clean. Then I tried cooking hamburgers on them with pretty much the same result. They were completely black before the burgers were even cooked on one side. And again you cannot scrub them clean. So unless you want to spend 8 to 10 dollars for a one time use, forget this product.

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