Does Bernie Sanders really want to divide our country into 12 districts?

I saw the other day that Bernie Sanders was proposing a $15 dollar minimum wage for United States workers.  That caused me to wonder if he also wanted to see a $10 hamburger at McDonalds.  But I imagine he doesn’t care about that since he is a multi-millionaire that could easily afford the upcharge.

But then yesterday I was listening to Glenn Beck on the radio and heard him mention that was only part of the old communist’s plans.  It seems that he is also proposing a plan to guarantee a job to every American.  That didn’t surprise me too much as that is how communism works.  Every person has to work and the government decides what job they are qualified to do.  What did surprise me was Sander’s idea of dividing the country up into 12 districts, each one of which would concentrate on a different aspect of job creation.  While there was no specifics given by Sanders (not a surprise there, since the whole idea is ludicrous) the very idea of dividing the country is a little contradictory to the “one nation under God” idea.

One has to wonder where some of these politicians get their ideas from, but in this case, it is not too hard to figure that one out.  Have you ever watched any of the three “Hunger Games” movies?

So how is Sanders planning on paying for this grandiose scheme?  With a national sales tax, of course.  Now all you folks that are complaining about the rich not paying their fair share should be happy with that idea, right?  Of course, you realize that the rich are pretty much the only people that pay income tax, but everyone would be paying the sales tax.  In fact, the people that would be hit the hardest by a sales tax are the poor and middle class who have no choice but to buy goods and services that this tax would be collected from.

I am amazed that the American people keep falling for the Democrat give away programs.  When Obama was running for his second term, the rallying cry was get your free Obama Phone.  Really how many people were stupid enough to vote for someone for President based on getting a free wireless phone?  Quite a few it would seem.

And they are still falling for the Obamacare idea.  Let’s make sure that everyone has access to health care.  And didn’t that work out peachy dandy?  Everyone could get health care but it did little good since the deductibles were so high that nobody could afford to use it.  Well, some people could afford to use it, those on Medicaid were just fine.  It was the rest of us that suffered in order for those folks to get away scot-free.

The old saying, “there is no such thing as a free lunch” should be remembered.  If you actually believe that the government will provide goods and services to you cheaper than private entrepreneurship then you have another think coming.  Ronald Reagan once said that the most terrifying words in the English language were “I’m from the government and I am here to help you”.  You need to remember those words every time you hear a Democrat promise you something for free.  It will be the most expensive free thing you ever received.

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