Every American should be outraged!

Because the Democrats were positive that Donald Trump could not possibly have won the 2016 Presidential election without the help of outside source, specifically the Russians, they insisted that a special counsel should be appointed to look into the matter.

Robert Mueller who had been at one time Director of the FBI got the position.  Most Americans did not put up too much of a stink at that time since they too wanted to know if the Russians had managed to get someone elected to the highest office in the land.

So now many months later, billions of dollars spent and an untold amount of man-hours, Mueller managed to indict 13 Russians for having Twitter accounts and for some of them dressing up like Hillary Clinton in an orange jumpsuit.

That should have been the end of the matter.  Mueller should have admitted that he failed to find any connection between Trump and the Russians and closed the books on a failed investigation.  What was discovered beyond a reasonable doubt is that Hillary Clinton and her cohorts did, in fact, enlist the Russians in attempting to undermine the Trump Campaign, but of course Mueller did not bother to indict her or any Democrats for that since if he had he probably would have been found on a park bench having shot himself numerous times in the back of the head.  No one brings charges against the Clintons and lives.

So instead of admitting to being the incompetent oaf that he is, Mueller then began to investigate Trump’s finances going back well before he even thought of running for President.  And as of now, that line of investigation had found nothing out of the ordinary.

But instead of again admitting that he couldn’t find a lighted torch in a dark room, he is now investigating whether there was any connection between the United Arab Emirates and the Trump campaign.  At this point, you should be screaming at the top of your lungs, CUT THIS CRAP OUT!  What is he going to do when that well runs dry?  Is he going to attempt to find a connection between Trump and someone in Canada or Australia or Sweden?

Or perhaps he might investigate if the Mayor of San Antonio might have colluded with Trump for his support.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.  End this witch hunt and get back to something important, like cleaning up the organization that Mueller once was the Director of.

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