Professional Golfers are Pansies

I know I have railed on this before but today I was watching the Olympics and the final round golf match.  Before almost every shot someone, an official or a caddy would say quiet in the gallery or no cameras please.  And of course this in not an unusual happening.  Now I don’t know how much these spectators had to pay to get into the venue but I imagine over a thousand dollars.

For that amount of money you would expect that you could comment on the action or perhaps take a picture.  I can hear the outrage from you golfers.  You have to understand the difficulty these shots are.  Okay so let me get this straight.  A person stands over an unmoving white ball, trying to hit it to a spot somewhere in a fairway that is 20 to 50 yards wide and you have to have total quiet to be able to do that.

Let’s compare that with a baseball player trying to hit a ball that is coming at him at speeds nearing 100 miles per hour that is thrown from 60 feet 6 inches.  And that ball is not coming in a straight line.  It may move in towards him, out away from him or straight down at the last moment.  He has less than half a second to make up his mind to swing or hold up.  And all this time the crowd is screaming at him and cameras are flashing everywhere.  Have you ever heard an announcer at a baseball game say, no cameras please or quiet please.

Or perhaps you might think about a quarterback in a football game.  While moving to his left or right or backward or forward he has to throw a ball down the field at a moving target.  Now in that case not only does he have to put up with crowd noise that reaches levels louder than a rock concert but he has to worry about having his head torn off by a charging lineman.

Or a visiting basketball player trying to make a free throw.  Does the announcer ask for quiet and no movement behind the basket?  No they say “Noise Please” and the crowd is expected to make as much movement as possible to distract the player.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do like to watch golf.  But I think it would be less boring if when the player was lining up his putt they set off fireworks.

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