An open letter to Bernie Sanders supporters

Now that you know that what you suspected all along that your candidate was cheated out of the democratic nomination by a corrupt system is a fact, where do you go now.  Can you still vote for the woman who ultimately was behind the fraud (not Debbie Wasserman Schultz but Hillary Rotten Clinton)?

Of course there are those in the democratic party that are trying to deflect the blame back to the republicans with the asinine accusation that these emails were leaked by Russia to aid Donald Trump.  But consider this, is that as important as the fact that the democratic party deliberately tried to sideline your candidate before he even got started.  Is that the type of behavior that you want to reward by voting for their chosen candidate?  I go along with those chanting in the DNC hall.  “Hell, no DNC we won’t vote for Hillary.”

And don’t forget that even with this deliberate attack on your man, he still might have won if the democratic party had counted the millions of his votes that they found a way to destroy.

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