An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Dear Mr. Trump,

Don’t you get tired of shooting yourself in the foot?  You had a marvelous convention where your children were a hit with almost everyone in America.  Most people agreed that your wife’s speech was a positive even though there was that little plagiarism problem.  And your own speech resounded with most that heard it.

The one glitch (which was of your own making) was Ted Cruise speaking forever without endorsing you.  But even that would have been a positive as even his Texas delegation labeled him a sore loser.  If you had just stayed on message and stayed quiet about Cruise you would have come out smelling like a rose.  But you just could not stop yourself from grabbing defeat out of the jaws of victory.  There is something in your personality that makes you reach for the self destruct button when there is no threat in sight.

It makes me wonder if you have no one in your campaign that you listen to or that has the courage to tell you when you are making a damn fool of yourself.  Do you really think that again accusing Ted Cruise father of being involved in the assassination of President Kennedy was going to somehow win you votes?  Ted Cruise is no longer the enemy.  Hillary Clinton is the enemy that needs to be attacked.  But now that you have made unfounded and unsupported claims about Cruise’s father who will really listen to you when you go after Clinton?

So I guess I have to ask, Do you really want to be President?  If the answer is yes, please get an adviser that will tell you to not put your mouth in motion until you have engaged your brain.

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